Good afternoon, Chandler Friends! 

Have you ever noticed how many different “Jesuses” people talk about? There’s gentle Jesus, table-flipping Jesus, Republican Jesus, Liberal Jesus… the list goes on.

In Luke 4:14-30, Jesus showed up in his hometown synagogue, read from Isaiah, and declared, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” At first, everyone loved him. But when he challenged their expectations, their praise turned to rage.

Jesus defies expectations—even today. The question is: when he doesn’t fit into our box, will we respond with praise or rage?

Keep reading to find out what’s coming up this week at Chandler Friends Church. 

Josiah Brown

Cell: 405-240-6680

Church Office: 405-258-0722


Every Christmas season, Evangelical Friends Mission (EFM) sends out its Christmas catalogs, offering opportunities to purchase items like chickens and goats to support mission fields worldwide. This year’s numbers reflect the generous contributions from churches and yearly meetings that support EFM. To everyone who participated, thank you for your generosity!

Stacey Harkins shared her journey yesterday about reading the Bible in 2024. If you’re interested in taking on this challenge in 2025, you can follow the steps Stacey used to guide her journey (see photo above). For those who prefer a printed reading list instead of using a phone or other devices, feel free to call the church office, and we’ll provide you with one.

Click the Image Below To Watch Last Sunday’s Service