We had the pleasure of hearing from the team of teenagers and adult sponsors who attended Friends Summit over Christmas Break. If you don’t know, Friends Summit is a national gathering of Evangelical Friends Churches that happens every four years for young people between the ages of 16-25. I couldn’t have been more proud of those who attended Summit. They engaged with the content, opened themselves up to God through worship, and picked up some ideas and practices along the way that they intend to bring back with them. You can watch and listen to their presentations at the link below. If you get a chance to talk with one of them, make sure and say, “Thank you” and “Tell me more about your experience.” As Malissa challenged us to do, let’s listen to what they have to say. After all, God may just have something to say to us through these young people.

Click here to watch the service from Sunday
Click here to sign up for the Simply Christian book study
Deadline: January 28th

Josiah Brown
Cell: 405-240-6680
Church Office: 405-258-0722
Email: josiahbrown@chandlerfriendschurch.com

Simply Christian is a modern attempt at what C.S. Lewis brilliantly accomplished in Mere Christianity 60 years earlier: an account of Christianity that makes sense and gets to the core of Christian faith. Wright says of his book: “this isn’t about how to be an Anglican (which I happen to be) or a Catholic or a Presbyterian or anything else… It’s about what I see as the very central heart of the Christian faith. And, no surprises, the book is quite a bit about Jesus, quite a bit about God, and what that all means for us.” Our Simply Christian study will address the central topics of God and Israel, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Worship and Prayer, Scripture and Church—never leaving behind the essential question of “what that all means for us.”

I hope you’ll consider signing up for this 8-week study that begins on Sunday, February 4th at 6pm.
The deadline to sign up is January 28th.
Click Here to Sign Up.

Quiz is coming and we need your help to make it happen! You do not need prior experience to help in any of the capacities listed in the graphic above. Hosting a team is as simple as opening your home to a small group of Junior High boys or girls (plus their adult sponsors) for one night. If you want to help in the quiz rooms, you’ll receive a training on how to do that. The bottom line: we need your help! Questions? Contact Stacy Lee (405-551-5728‬) or Abby Godfrey (405-240-6120‬).

Special Opportunity This Sunday