Sunday Worship Service


Sun, May 15    
11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Event Type

Our Sunday morning services are simple and beautiful. We gather at 11:00am to worship through singing hymns and contemporary songs, reading Scripture, quieting ourselves for “Open Worship” (see the section below) and listening to a sermon based upon a biblical text. As is typical of the Friends Church across the globe, we’re not big on rituals or formality. Come as you are and expect to be welcomed.

Children’s Church (PreK-2nd grade) and Wee Worship (younger toddlers) are dismissed midway through the service to go with their teachers for an age-appropriate lesson. Nursey care is available at that point. We also have bags with various activities available for all children that can be picked up and used at any point during the service.

Our branch of Christianity (Friends/Quakers) reserves part of our worship for what we call, “Open Worship.” Expect a few minutes of stillness and silence during that time. Someone from the congregation may stand to speak, pray, ask for prayer, or even lead a song. The key is obedience to the Spirit. Often times we remain silent for the duration. We believe God can speak not just through words and “worship leaders,” but through silence and through each person who comes through our doors.