Good afternoon, Chandler Friends:
Yesterday I spoke about Mark 8 and Jesus’ call to discipleship. I defined discipleship as “learning to live our lives as Jesus would if he were in our shoes.” The key word there is “learning.” No one follows Jesus perfectly, nor do I think Jesus expects us to aim for perfection. Instead, Jesus is looking for learners—or, if you prefer, students or apprentices—who increasingly take their cues from Jesus. With Jesus’ teaching in Mark 8 in mind, take a moment this week to sit with these questions in the quiet of a morning or an evening, allowing them to guide you along the path of discipleship. And may God bless you this week!
- What does self-denial look like for me today?
- What does bearing my cross (that is, choosing to suffer on behalf of others) look like for me today?
Click here to watch the yesterday’s sermon. And keep reading to find out what’s coming up at CFC.
Josiah Brown
Cell: 405-240-6680
Church Office: 405-258-0722
New CFC Website
We have a new website! Check it out at The new website has several new features I want to tell you about. Click any of the links below to go directly to the page.
- Online Calendar. The calendar is color-coded according to the ministry.
- About Us. You can read about CFC’s history, beliefs, and more—and you can easily share with friends and family who might want to know more.
- Prayer Requests. You can add your own prayer requests as well as read current requests (the password is “friends”).
- Sunday Services. You can find and watch old Sunday services on the “sermons” page.
- Give Online. You can give online and set up auto-giving if you prefer.
A HUGE thank you goes out to my friend Jason Porterfield for building the new website. A total website rebuild would typically cost several hundred dollars—if not thousands—but Jason built our website as a gift to the church. Here’s one way you can say, “thank you” to Jason: buy and read his book! Jason wrote an award-winning, bestselling book called Fight Like Jesus: How Jesus Waged Peace Throughout Holy Week. You can find out more about Jason and the book here.

Text Message Reminders
You can receive text message updates from CFC straight to your phone. There are two outlets:
- CFC Main. Subscribe to receive text message updates on things like cancelations, changes, and special reminders. To subscribe, text the message @cfcmain to the number 81010.
- CFC Prayer. Subscribe to receive more frequent updates on prayer requests. To subscribe, text the message @cfcprayer to the number 81010.